Cintoo Feature List
Last Updated March 2025
Upload and Restructure Unified Point Clouds
Unlike traditional point clouds that remain in their segmented, individual scan states, a unified point clouds need to be restructured in a typical workflow to provide the full range of information from the scan data. Typically, unified point clouds lack the structure so it's impossible to leverage all information from the project.
Cintoo now offers more ways to use structured point clouds by restructuring the unified point cloud at the resolution of the source file. By compressing it using Cintoo’s point-cloud-to-mesh capabilities, the structure is maintained, and the data becomes actionable. Learn more about unified point clouds here, or to start importing in Cintoo today, visit our Knowledge Base.

- Dashboard, Users list, Activities and Calendar
- Add co-Admins & Project Managers
- Define custom roles and permissions
- Manage groups of users
- Support of corporate Single Sign-On (SSO) (additional implementation fee required)
- Generate Usage Reports (date, users, companies, import/export of scans, crops or unified meshes)
Create Projects
- Choice of Automatic Cloud Hosting with CDN or selection of provider (AWS or Microsoft Azure) and region
- Choice of hybrid cloud with your own AWS or Azure instances (additional implementation fee required)
- Choice of private data center (additional implementation fee required)
Manage Scan Projects
- Map, Thumbnails, List
- Search
- Define custom roles and permissions
- Invite Users & Team members to each project (search tool available when inviting a new member)
- Manage access & sharing rights
Upload Terrestrial (Static) Scans
- Upload structured scan projects in RCP, e57, FLS or LSPROJ format
- Support of intensity
- Automatic point cloud-to-3D mesh transformation for each scan prior to the upload
Upload Indoor Mobile Lidar Scans
- Upload scans captured with NavVis, GeoSLAM , Gexcel, Emesent, Leica BLK2GO or Viametris devices
- Upload unstructured scans in E57 together with camera path and source 360° images
- Restructuring or unstructured data with creation of ‘static’ 3D scans that preserve the source point cloud density and accuracy
- Automatic point cloud-to-3D mesh transformation for each scan prior to the upload
Upload Drone Data
- Upload drone data as point cloud in E57 format
- Automatically generate Virtual Vantage Points (VVPs) along an horizontal grid with a custom distance between each VVP
Upload 360° images (beta)
- Upload spherical images with their geolocation and orientation
- Orientation set as compass heading or quaternions
Face Blurring at Import
- Automatically blur faces on panoramic images when uploading static or mobile scans, or drone data
Upload Documents
- Upload documents in .doc, .pdf, .xls or .jpg format
- Supports Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (V79 or higher) and Mozilla Firefox
- Data, 2D Overview Map, 3D View
- Data: Thumbnails or list, with high-res panoramic picture display, scan or 360° images information and specific URL
- 3D View: Display scan data in Scan Mode or 3D Navigation Mode, in 3D RGB, 3D Intensity, 3D X-Ray, 3D Surface, 3D Height or 2D Panoramic Images (Scan Mode only) only – Display 360° images to navigate between scans and spherical images – Orthographic or perspective camera from any of the 6 axes – Scan sprites filtering (occlusion and/or range) in Scan Mode
- TurboMesh™ engine in 3D Navigation mode, to stream mesh data at the resolution of the source scans
- Navigation Map (mini-map) in 3D View showing scan and 360° images icons over RGB, DWG or Site Map background
- 2D Overview Map: Display scan data and 360° images in orthographic mode from any of the 6 axes, in 3D RGB, 3D XRay, 3D Surface or 3D Height
- Display BIM models in 3D RGB, 3D X-Ray, or 3D Height in Overview Map and 3D View
Site Map
- Site Map upload (jpeg, PNG)
- Alignment tool in Overview Map
- 3D Alignment tool in 3D View
- Use of Site Map in Navigation Map
Work Zones
- Create as many Work Zones and sub-Work Zones as necessary
- Assign scans or BIM/CAD models to each Work Zone or sub-Work Zone
- Manage team member access to Work Zones or sub-Work Zones
- Display each Work Zone individually or collectively
Resource Explorer
- Browse and organize your resources using the Resource Explorer
- For each scan, get the corresponding properties or use several available actions: edit, delete, add to Work Zone, share, download, export in CSV, go to, look at, hide, isolate
Cropping Tools
- 3D crop box combined with XYZ sliders in 3D View
- XYZ sliders in Overview Map
- Rotate crop to align with screen in Overview Map
- Save & edit unlimited crops
- Annotate as notes, private notes or issues
- Add labels, text, photo, video, URL, PDF to the annotations
- Assign private notes and issues to team members
- Search for annotations based on labels
- Set unit system as metric, US or international Imperial with precision of measurement
- Add linear measurements in 3D View (Scan Mode or 3D Navigation Mode)
- Constrained measurements (X, Y, Z axis or disto)
- Pipe measurements (diameter and center XYZ coordinates)
- Pick 3D point and paste XYZ coordinates
Play Sequence
- Play capture sequence via the timeline
- Generate Measurement & Annotation reports in PDF with hyperlinks to each entity
- Create screenshots
Distribute and Download Scans from the Cloud
- Download the Unified 3D Meshes in OBJ, FBX and STL format (requires a creation step as a Web Service)
Download Unified 3D Meshes
- Download the Unified 3D Meshes in OBJ, FBX and STL format (requires a creation step as a Web Service)
Shared 3D Viewer
- Share Cintoo Cloud viewer via URL or email
- Display high-resolution Scan data + BIM/CAD models in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
- 3D View: Display scan data in Scan Mode or 3D Navigation Mode, in 3D RGB, 3D Intensity, 3D X-Ray, 3D Surface, 3D Height or 2D Panoramic Images (Scan Mode only)
- Add QR code
- Add company logo
- Set time limits and passwords
- Share metadata (measurements, annotations)
- Embed Shared Views in iframe from any domain
Tablet Viewer
- Support of Windows, IOS or Android tablets
- Project and Work Zone Selectiom
- Scan mode or 3D Navigation
- Display modes: 3D RGB, 3D Surface, 2D Panoramic Image
- Tools: Measure, Annotate
- All Cintoo Project pages localized in 7 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Japanese
Cintoo VR Experience App
- Experience your facilities in 3D for greater insights and understanding
- Take measurements and identify issues
- Compare scans to models
3D Layout Experience App
- Upgrade your Industrial Metaverse experience to navigate your 3D mesh
- Check clearances when moving equipment
- Simulate future workspace
Cintoo's Streaming SDK
- Develop your own app
- Available on Unreal or Unity
Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM 360 Interoperability
- Push RVT, NWD, NWC, 3D DWG, JT or IFC files from Autodesk Construction Cloud or BIM 360 to Cintoo Cloud
- Upload BIM models together with hierarchy, disciplines, and metadata
- Look for model updates in Autodesk BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud
- Select transformation to be applied to the Revit model (Shared Coordinates or Origin to Origin)
- Push back issues from Cintoo Cloud to BIM 360 for project coordination
Upload BIM or CAD models from disk
- Formats: IFC, DWG, JT, STEP, STP
- Metadata not included in IFC model
Model Explorer
- Browse your BIM or CAD model using the Model Explorer
- For each BIM model element, use the various available actions: hide, isolate, look at, go to
- Read the complete metadata for each model and each model element (for models imported from ACC and BIM 360 only)
- Pick a model element from the 3D view
Align Scan & BIM
- Align Scan to BIM/CAD or BIM/CAD to Scan
- Export the alignment to Revit and Navisworks
Compare Scan data & BIM/CAD Model (Scan vs. BIM/CAD)
- Overlay the BIM/CAD model to the scan
- Compare using the Visual Difference and Visual Check tools
- Generate heat map based on tolerance
Compare Scan versions (Scan vs. Scan)
- Display scan versions using the timeline
- Align Scan to Scan
- Compare using the Visual Difference and Visual Check tools
- Generate heat map based on tolerance input
Issue Tracking
- Export issues in BCF Format (BCF = BIM Collaboration Format)
- Interoperability with BIM Track (push or sync notes and issues between Cintoo Cloud and BIM Track)
- Interoperability with Autodesk BIM 360 (push issues from Cintoo Cloud to BIM 360)
- Interoperability with Procore (push issues from Cintoo Cloud to Procore)
Tag Explorer
- Explore tag lists and tags in the DATA tab or the 3D View’s Tag Explorer
List of Tags
- Create lists of tags and tags
- For each tag, add up to 20 metadata (metadata can be hyperlink to your Digital Twin or documentation platform)
Manual Tagging
- Create a tag around an equipment using the bounding box tool
- Manually edit the tag to all necessary metadata
Tag List Import
- Import lists of tags in CSV file that contains the equipment ID, location, metadata, and hyperlink
- Edit tag lists (append existing lists, manually add new tags, edit each tag to adjust the bounding box for example)
- Delete tag lists
Automatically search for tags in your scans using Cintoo’s AI Engine
- Automatically search for various tags to geolocate and classify them in your scans
- Available classes of tags: control boxes, electric boxes, electric motors, flanges, manometers, valves
Display Tags in the 3D View
- Display tags with their best scan view(s) in the 3D View
- Edit the scan view or the 3D view for each tag
- Click on the tag in the list or in the 3D view to access asset information
- Display the tag metadata using the Tag Explorer
Search for Tags
- Search for tags in the list with multiple elements
Search for Views
- Share Tag Views as hyperlink or QR code
Export Tag Lists
- Export Tag Lists in CSV or Excel file together with the Scan View for each tag
Display Inspection Data Results in 360 Images
- Inspection data computed by 3rd party (rust or corrosion analysis for example) on source 360 images exported from Cintoo
- Inspection data then displayed in Cintoo via a specific 360 image shader
Unified 3D Mesh Creation (BETA)
- Create Unified 3D Meshes with photo-texture from crops
- From up to 100 scans
- Select density starting at 0.2 cm / 0.1 inch
- Select format (OBJ, FBX, STL)
Cintoo Cloud APIs allow to call for most of Cintoo Cloud resources. Current API calls are the following:
- List or get your Cintoo Cloud projects
- Move project to another subscription
- List files, including Scans, Models, Geoimages
- List, create, update or delete Tags or Tag Lists
- List or get Groups of users
- List or get Roles
- List Subscriptions
- List or Get Users