
How to turn point cloud data into digitally shareable 3D mesh


Point clouds, created from laser scanning, have proved invaluable for providing accurate as-built information ahead of building renovations or refurbishments. Consisting of thousands of 3D points, the data is easy to obtain thanks to the precision of laser scanning equipment, which allows the process to be carried out with minimal disruption.

However, because point clouds contain such a large volume of intricate data, the files tend to be many gigabytes, or even several terabytes, in size, making it challenging to share with stakeholders in different locations. Far too large to email, the files tend to be shared using physical data transfer devices, such as cumbersome hard drives and USB sticks, which result in each stakeholder owning an autonomous data set.

The issue here is that any updates or changes need to be individually communicated while unified collaboration between project stakeholders becomes logistically impossible, but this can all be remedied simply by using Cintoo Cloud to turn your point cloud data into a 3D mesh.

3D mesh

Recognizing that for businesses to extract maximum value from point cloud data, Cintoo Cloud created its patent-pending point cloud-to-mesh technology. Maintaining the project structure and accuracy of the source data, Cintoo Cloud translates the point cloud data into 3D mesh, which is 10-20 times lighter than the original data. This enables uploading and downloading of point cloud files to be significantly faster, and also takes up much less storage space.

Learn more about Cintoo Cloud’s technology: www.cintoo.com

Instead of a physical device, the data gets securely stored in an encrypted cloud where it can be quickly streamed in the platform’s viewer, using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge (V79 or higher). This allows the data to be accessible, shareable and editable on a range of mobile devices, from laptops, tablets and smartphones to Virtual Reality headsets (currently, the Oculus Rift or Rift S and the HTC VIVE Pro).

Any approved team member can then access a project simply by securely logging into Cintoo Cloud. Invited stakeholders can view the data as a 3D model, make notes and/or add labels, which anyone with access can see and respond to. This makes the process of viewing and using point cloud data far more collaborative, time efficient, cost effective and therefore far more constructive.

If you’re looking to achieve more value from your laser scan data, and improve the efficiency of future projects, trial our platform here: www.cintoo.com or reach out to us via sales@cintoo.com to discuss integrating Cintoo Cloud into your existing laser scanning workflows.
