New functionality for managing laser scan data in Cintoo Cloud
At Cintoo, we’re constantly enhancing the features of our cloud platform to ensure maximum usability and support digital sharing of laser scan data. We’ve recently introduced a variety of new functionality to the platform, which will make it even easier for project teams to collaborate efficiently while working remotely.
Here’s a brief look at our latest updates:
Supporting Leica RTC 360
We now fully support Leica’s RTC 360 laser scanner, enabling you to export your structured E57 from Leica Cyclone.
This means 2D panoramas in Cintoo Cloud will directly correspond to the panoramic picture taken by the device, providing a crisper, clearer image.
Users & Permission
Account admins, co-admins and project managers now have the ability to set a list of users, groups of users or custom roles for the whole account.
By creating groups of users, it’s even easier to invite a large number of people to multiple projects and assign them with the same permission levels.
Each project manager or co-admin has visibility over the groups owned by other project managers and co-admins, making the management of these groups far more efficient.
Custom roles, created by a project manager or co-admin, also allow anyone to invite a new user with a specific custom role to a project.
Measurement tool
We’ve improved the method of selecting the right 3D points for a measurement by introducing a disc, which adheres to the surface of the mesh, improving accuracy and clarity.
Using this disc, you can also obtain the x, y and z distances as well as the angle from the x-y plane.
For the best results, we recommend using the 3D surface display mode.
See these new features in action by watching our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIqyxKr0Qxc
Pick and export 3D coordinates
You can now pick any 3D point in the 3D display mode and glean its x, y, z coordinates. These coordinates can then be pasted into any text or CSV file and saved or shared as required.
Orthographic view
We’ve added orthographic cameras as an option in the 3D view, supplementing the perspective cameras option.
You can also now select any pre-defined viewing angle between top, bottom, front, left, right and back.
Unified mesh V2 beta now live
We continuously enhance Cintoo Cloud’s mesh unification algorithms and with our latest version, we’ve filled holes and removed spikes to deliver a superior quality 3D unified mesh.
The process remains the same as before; determine the crop area, select the mesh density and the export format (FBX, OBJ or STL) and then run the unification process in the cloud. Once the mesh data has been created, an email notification is sent out and you’ll be able to download the mesh from your data tab. As with our previous version, the crop can be created using up to 100 scans.
You can now add as many labels as you need to enrich your notes, private notes and issues. For example, these labels might detail the type of equipment, or material used, or the process. Choose the terms that will prove most useful to you when using the labels to search for a specific note, private note or issue.
BIM Track integration
In addition to exporting issues in text file format – VCF – you can now integrate Cintoo Cloud with leading issue tracking platform, BIM Track. Issues created in Cintoo Cloud by comparing your laser scans to your BIM model, for example, can now be pushed and synced with BIM Track for global tracking and BIM project coordination.
We recently teamed up with Carl Storms, Technical Solutions lead at BIM Track to run a webinar about the benefits of this integration and its impact on workflows. You can listen to the webinar here: https://youtu.be/Nmo6HwHpkak
Online documentation is available to support the use of all of the new features we’ve introduced and can be accessed within the Cintoo Cloud app.
We will be adding further functionality to the platform over the coming weeks, including various features to facilitate navigation while in scan mode, such as a mini map and scan icon filtering. Keep an eye on our YouTube and LinkedIn channels to find out when these are available.
In the meantime, we’d love to hear how you’re getting on with these new features so please reach out and let us know.
And if you’re not familiar with our platform, talk to us about the value Cintoo Cloud can bring to your organization by emailing sales@cintoo.com or visit our website and try the platform for yourself by uploading your own scans: www.cintoo.com/try