More new features added to Cintoo Cloud to improve user experience
Our webinar series kicked off this year with a demonstration of the new features we’ve recently added to the platform as well as a glimpse of additional functionality being launched over the coming weeks.
Here is an overview of some of the platform’s advanced new features:
Navigation with 2D Drawings
We’ve made it even easier to navigate your laser scan projects using your 2D drawings.
With your 2D drawings uploaded – via either a Navisworks or Revit file through BIM 360 – you can select a drawing to overlay with the related scan data, giving you total transparency between your 2D drawing and scans when using the X-Ray vision display mode. You can also use the 2D drawing in the Navigation Map in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to easily navigate the scan data. If you don’t have a 2D drawing, the platform will take a top view of your streamed scan data and filter it so you can use this in the Navigation Map to move around your scan.
With this newfound transparency between your 2D drawing and the scan’s X-Ray vision mode, you can assess details like the alignment of your CAD and 2D plan. In Surface mode, you can also use the Visual Check tool to detect any differences between your as-built data and your 2D drawing, taking measurements if needed. Further comparisons can be made by adding in the 3D model.
Introduction of Site Maps
This is a completely new feature that was suggested to us by regular users of the platform. It allows you to add a 2D plan, in jpeg or png format, as a background image into each of your Work Zones. This could be a screenshot of a Google Earth or Maps view or a pdf you’ve scanned and turned into an image file.
The new Site Map alignment tool in the Overview Map enables you to align and scale the Site Map to your scans by selecting two scans and picking their location in your background image. Using the 3D alignment tool in the 3D View, you can adjust the translation and rotation of this Site Map so that it matches exactly with your scan locations. Using the Overview Map or the 3D View, you can then use the Site Map/background image to navigate your scans – an even easier way to do this than previously. The Site Map is also used as a visual reference in the Navigation Map in the bottom right of your 3D View.
Push issues to Autodesk BIM 360
One of the key features of Cintoo Cloud is that you can upload BIM or CAD models to the platform and compare these to your scans to detect issues between the as-built and the design, or use your scan data to find and document issues.
You can already export these issues in BCF format into NavisWorks or Revit using plug-ins like BIM Track. Taking this a step further, the platform also provides cloud-to-cloud interoperability with BIM Track, enabling you to push and sync issues between the two. We’ve now extended this interoperability to Autodesk BIM 360 too and you’ll soon have the same option with Procore.
Embedding Cintoo Cloud Shared Views in web pages
Further functionality that we’ve introduced is the ability to create a Shared Viewer URL, adding it as an iframe to your project site, such as Project Home in Autodesk BIM 360. You have various options to control the access via this URL to Cintoo Cloud data, like adding a password or limiting the access to Cintoo Cloud members only.
Customised branding of your Cintoo Cloud experience
You can now create your own sub-domain featuring your company name and you can update the UI to align with your brand, adding your logo and corporate colours. This extends to emails and reports being sent from the platform, which can all be given your company’s look and feel.
We continue to add new functionality to the platform so look out for updates on uploading indoor mobile LiDAR data and 360° (panoramic) images as well as the launch of our mesh streaming API for Unreal and Unity.
If you have any questions about these new features or suggestions for further enhancements, email us: sales@cintoo.com. And keep an eye on our LinkedIn page for updates as new functionality goes live: www.linkedin.com/company/cintoo