
Equans France – World leader in
multi-technical services

“At the heart of my philosophy is the conviction that reality capture data has immense value. Thanks to the seamless integration of a scan and a workflow, Cintoo has effectively transformed this conviction into a tangible reality."

Denis-Pascal Carrere

3D Scanning
Depart Manager Equans

A team of two surveyors, led by Mr. Carrere, took on the task to create a digital blueprint of the manufacturing facility. The team and client decided to first digitize a Process Technical room of this large facility employing a Scan-to-BIM process of laser scanning all the associated assets and transform it into a 3D model. These point cloud scans would be converted into Mesh using Cintoo and then using Cintoo Cloud to link and eventually tag these assets to their applicable 2D documents and drawings. This would provide the client with a current single source of trustful information regarding their manufacturing facility that could then be compared to their 2D drawings and future repairs, replacements, and updates to the plant. In Cintoo, production and process documentation and notes could also be easily added.


Methodology Solutions

The Equans Digital Team tackled the technical room as a proof of concept for the manufacturer which would serve as a hallmark for the anticipated budget for the digital initiative as well as the implementation plan. Due to the size of the project, a total of two team members were used to scan the technical room using terrestrial laser scanners in one day to avoid long disturbance to the Plant production team. Once the scan was begun the client realized that the networks must also include the routing of these assets outside the technical room in order to capture a complete digital blueprint. This required the team to then scan these assets as they were routed through out the manufacturing plant.


To capture the assets in high precision, 2 Leica RTC 360 terrestrial laser scanner were used during one day on site. For registration and Cleaning of the point clouds, two other days at office were necessary. All point cloud scans were then easily and quickly uploaded into Cintoo and distributed as meshes with no loss of the original scan resolution in less than one week. Then the Scan-to-BIM implementation using Cintoo and Revit was performed by EQUANS Digital Survey-BIM Industry department by 2 modelers. Finally, all technical documents were linked through Autodesk Construction Cloud with the overall project taking a total of two weeks’ time.
When scanning was complete, the scans were all registered together using Cyclone Register 360 software to create one point cloud of the building. The next task was to go through each scan and remove any reflections that came from mirrors, metal or unwanted objects such as people, other buildings or trees.

Once in Cintoo Cloud, these assets could have all associated 2D documentation and notes attached and using Cintoo’s advanced asset tagging and display capabilities each asset could be tagged along with a meta description of the asset and links to any related documentation or process flows.


Project and Media Links

Learn more about Equans on their web site: https://www.equans.fr/en/
