
Luminous Group empowered by Cintoo Cloud

Cintoo Cloud offers us a platform to manage laser scan projects as well as manage a wide range of scan-BIM workflows for our customers. It also provides a complete collaborative platform so our clients can independently manage their own projects and the people working on them via a simple web browser running on their own laptop.

Ben Bennett

Managing Director
Luminous Group


Enabled collaborative workflows between the Luminous team, clients and third-party organisations.

Easy and effective management of projects, planning and users

Seamless access control and profile management means Luminous could empower clients to administer their own scan projects

A central source for managing laser scan projects

Improved scan-BIM project efficiency

Cintoo Cloud’s VR capability complements Luminous’ existing VR/AR/MR capabilities providing a plug and play immersive solution that requires no additional software or plugins all streamed in realtime via the web.

Project and Media Links

Learn more about Luminous Group on their web site: https://www.luminousgroup.co.uk
