The latest Cintoo-BIM Track webinar is now available as a replay! Find out how you the Cintoo
Cloud-BIM Track integration will change the way you manage your QA/QC issues.
Fast Forward to different chapters:
Intro to Cintoo: 1:23
Intro to BIM Track: 16:22
Cintoo/BIM Track Integration: 32:03
Key Takeaways
- Find out how you can make your terrestrial laser scans web and BIM compatible using Cintoo Cloud’s unique point cloud-to-mesh technology.
- Find out how you can make your terrestrial laser scans web and BIM compatible using Cintoo Cloud’s unique point cloud-to-mesh technology.
- Learn about BIM Track issue tracking and model coordination workflows.
- Learn about BIM Track issue tracking and model coordination workflows.
Watch it here.