With the uptake of laser scanning doubling in the last couple of years, construction companies are increasingly relying on laser scan data to compare as-builts to their BIM models, ahead of commencing renovations or extensions.
A question we’re often asked at Cintoo is whether our cloud platform can integrate with BIM software, particularly when comparing as-built scans to the BIM model – and the answer is yes, it can! Cintoo Cloud provides BIM platform interoperability.
Autodesk BIM 360
Firstly, with your laser scan data is securely uploaded to Cintoo Cloud, you can then upload a BIM model to the platform by pulling IFCs from your local hard disk or connect to Autodesk BIM 360 and pull a Revit, Navisworks or 3D DWG model. In the platform’s 3D view, your BIM model will appear first, then your laser scan data will be streamed and you can compare the two. This enables you to extract meaningful information and you can then enrich the data by adding measurements, annotations, issues and notes.
BIM Track
The issues and notes that you’ve created, as a result of directly comparing your scans to the BIM models can be given various labels such as ‘to be checked’ and ‘critical’. These can be assigned to a specific team member who will be notified by email that there is an issue they need to look at and they can log-in and review them and take the necessary next step. Crucially, these issues and notes can be synced with project coordination software, like BIM Track, for global tracking and BIM project coordination.
By providing this end-to-end integration with BIM software, Cintoo Cloud can coordinate seamlessly with your preferred BIM platforms, improving the efficiency of your workflows.
Listen to our US CEO and Sales Director, as well as Carl Storms from BIM Track, explaining how we’ve partnered to make it as easy as possible to use our platforms together in our recent webinars https://youtu.be/Nmo6HwHpkak or try it out for yourself by taking advantage of our free trial here: www.cintoo.com