Whether it’s COVID-19, bad weather conditions, or simply bad traffic, contractors needing to get on-site to check on the progress of a project but being unable to do so due to unforeseen circumstances happens regularly. This was compounded across projects at a near global level during the recent pandemic lockdown when many job sites were suddenly forced to shut down for several weeks or months.
As laser scan data can be several gigabytes or even terabytes in size, files are commonly shared via USB stick and hard drive (or in many cases not shared at all). This can result in several sets of autonomous files in circulation at any one time. Conversely, using Cintoo Cloud you can convert point cloud data into a 3D mesh, which retains a high level of accuracy but is smaller in size. This is then easy to view and share through our cloud-based platform. Furthermore, it gives you access to detail that isn’t possible to see in a typical point cloud viewer.
With your laser scans uploaded to the cloud, you can then upload your BIM models to allow for direct comparisons between the two data sets. This is possible even if different systems have been used to author the data. You can then share and annotate scans with other users, assign users to issues, track their progress in real time, and export them to your preferred BIM coordination platform using BCF files. Cintoo Cloud is also cloud-connected to BIM Track, automatically syncing issues.
This process, which is supported on almost any internet-enabled device, allows you to immerse fully in your project by accessing your data at any time and collaborating on it concurrently with other team members. This includes external contractors who you can invite onto your project, granting permission for them to view and work on the specific stage they’re involved in. And when their work is complete, you can turn off their access again as it’s no longer required. So even if the site is closed, the project can continue seamlessly with involvement from all relevant parties. All this without expensive software licenses, high spec hardware or extensive training required.
With everyone involved in a project having the data at their fingertips, there’s no longer any need to make time-wasting site visits, freeing up your time while continuing to work on the project to improve your productivity. And, by collaborating with your stakeholders more effectively, you can streamline scan versus BIM QA/QC workflows, saving resource, time and money. You can also immerse yourself in the project using Cintoo Cloud’s embedded Virtual Reality Streaming feature. All you need is an Oculus Rift, Rift S or an HTC Vive Pro connected to a Cintoo Cloud web viewer to visit your site or make measurements!
If for any reason you need to retrieve your original data, Cintoo Cloud allows you to safely transfer your files back to point cloud format, without impacting quality. You can download them as a single scan, a crop, or export the entire data set as either a point cloud (E57, RCS or RCP) or unified mesh (OBJ, FBX and STL) format.
If you’d like to see how Cintoo Cloud could improve your workflows, you can do so for free here: www.cintoo.com. Or reach out to us via sales@cintoo.com if you’d like us to run through a free demo with you and members of your BIM/CAD team.